my version of the chords for the new song....Spirit Fall....enjoy and feedback if any mistakes....first time I try to figure our chords
Spirit Fall
by David Yem
Verse 1
D F#m
I feel You tugging at me
Bm G
A voice that whispers inside of me
G/B D/F#
"Come away, come away with Me"
Verse 2
Stir the flames alive
Breathe life into these bones of mine
Rekindle hope, my soul revived
Pre Chorus
Send Your mighty wind
Renew this life within
D F#m
Spirit of God fall down
Fall with Your fire and power from high
Ignite in me again
Our hearts live in Your name
D F#m
Spirit of God fall down
Pour as Your rain revive us now
Restore our lives and quench these thirsty souls
Live in us now
Live in us now
Verse 3
Hand of God divine
Touch my being, come and anoint
Your word brings life, Your word brings life
Breathe on us, breathe on us
Breathe on us breath of God
With fire and power
Move in us today
hey guys try this quiz
Computer magic
and I'm playing GOMF for altar call tmr, pray that it goes well
well, my first post after chinese new year, this cny was great, throughly enjoyed myself during the visitations, and although I visited lesser places than last year, the money from the ang paos seem to be more than previous years. my family did not go to the 2 main places where a lot of ang paos are collected, but we still visited lots of places which we don't often visit. still thank God for that much needed financial boost for building fund.
well been thinking of certain stuff recently that among all the friends I have, I haven't found one which I can consider really close, be it guy or gal. tho I have friend whom I can click with, I still feel that to be a close friends, one has to be able to be able to talk about practically everything under the sun, someone whom you can share your deepest darkest secrets with, someone who will encourage/stand by you in times of need, someone who can stand being with you, some one who is both a good talker and listener even if you are not one, someone who will lay their life down for you, someone whom you always like to call or receive their calls, someone who will enjoy every minute spent with each other. not the kind where you meet up and talk/fellowship and go separate ways, or those like upon meeting up say hi and ask a few questions and bye (hi bye friends). Anyway just to clarify that the above is just the author's viewpoint and is not intended for anyone to think its them, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
2 more days till official graduation (not the ceremony). then its hello SOT before hello ARMY....though I really hope to go police.
here is a song to share which was sung in church during the renewing of vows.